If you’re a marketer, you want to engage with your possible contacts in any way that you can. One of the easiest and hardest ways to do this is through social media. It can be easy because there are millions of people who can end up seeing your tweet and enjoying your content, but it is also the hardest way to engage because you have to be clever about it.
Know the Limits
When thinking about how best to tweet out something interesting, you need to acknowledge that there are some boundaries to your content being as good as it could possibly be. The main limitation is of course the fact that there is a 140-character limit to what you can put as a tweet. That includes punctuation, letters, and spaces all in one, so if you’ve got a message that you want to send and a link to your latest blog that you want to add you need to make sure that you have enough space to work with. It doesn’t get much worse than having the perfect quote that really fits with the message your trying to send, and then you find out that you can’t add it because you’ve got too many characters. Thankfully Twitter is a smart developer and they are constantly updating their software to reflect the needs of their users.
Be Smart
So with the knowledge about exactly what limits your tweets, you need to know what kinds of tweets are the best to use. It’s easy to tweet out stream of consciousness items, getting people to take a look at your new innocuous item and pay attention to you for a few minutes. That can help you get a large audience, but you have to be careful with your timing. If you send out a tweet at midnight, the only people who are going to see it are halfway around the world. So you send your tweets when the audience you want to attract is going to be looking, like during the lunch hour.
Engage Their Interest
People like to turn their brains off for lunch, so if you can add a little spark of thought to their meal, they’ll end up remembering you. You want to engage them, not drown them, though. If You tweet all the time, your audience will learn to tune you out and start ignoring your tweets, because they have other problems that are more important to them pressing into their minds. Because people have their own problems and trials to deal with on a daily basis, they don’t want to be hit with tweet after tweet about whatever you can think of.
So is it a Good Idea?
So to answer the question, “is it good to tweet all the time while you work?” No, you really don’t want to. What you want to do is send engaging messages when you know people will be the most interested. You want to attract their attention, not lose their interest. So you have to be careful about not sending out a flood of tweets that people learn to ignore.