We have created a list of best, top 10 responsive, premium store, ecommerce OpenCart themes. You can use these themes to create multipurpose online stores, online shops, estores, eshops and ecommerce sites.
You can create clothing stores, fashion stores, online electronics shops, health and pharmacy stores, technology stores, home and furniture store, one page checkout store, fishing store, sports store, stationery store, toys store, car parts and automotive store, tools store, pet shop, computers store, antique store, architecture store, audio store, bakery store, barber store, books store, camera store, interior design store, coffee store, tea store, cleaning store, cosmetics store, jewelry store, flowers store, games store, garden store, glamour store, grocery store, holidays and trips store, lingerie store, market store, martial arts store, medical store, military store, perfume store, shoes store, spices store, tools store, wine store, kids store, restaurant shop, gifts store, food store, creative store, digital store and any other types of online shops and stores.
Here is the list of top 10 responsive, premium store, ecommerce OpenCart themes:
1) Journal OpenCart Theme: Journal theme is a responsive premium OpenCart theme which comes with 15 types of homepage layouts. It is the best, most popular, top selling and premium OpenCart theme.
- Responsive premium OpenCart theme.
- 15 types of homepage layouts.
- SEO optimized and fast loading premium OpenCart theme.
- Multiple types of blog page layouts including grid blog page layout with 3 per row, landscape image crop and left align, grid blog page layout with 4 per row, portrait image crop and center align, grid blog page layout with one per row, landscape image crop and left align and list view carousel blog page layout.
- Create custom pages like terms and condition page, account page, about us page, contact us page, compare page, wishlist page, login page, register page, order history page, returns page, sitemap page and delivery information page.
- Supports RTL languages, full screen backgrounds and Google fonts.
2) Shoppica OpenCart Theme: Shoppica theme is a responsive ecommerce OpenCart theme which comes with 5 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive ecommerce OpenCart theme.
- 5 types of homepage layouts.
- Option to easily add Google maps, responsive banners, social buttons, images, videos, gallery, featured products, Facebook likebox, categories, Call to action, brands, best selling products, also bought products, recently viewed products, rich text, newsletter, popular products, menu, latest tweets, latest reviews, latest articles, HTML block, related products, search bar, site logo, cart menu, currency menu, language menu, Twitter box, tabs, special products, slider, separator, accordions, tabs, icon lists and grids anywhere in your ecommerce OpenCart theme.
- Create custom pages like privacy policy page, terms and conditions page, delivery information page, about us page, contact us page, blog page, wishlist page, my account page, shopping cart page, checkout page, sitemap page, brands, gift voucher, affiliates, specials page and newsletter page.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports mega menus, RTL languages, sticky header and instant Ajax search.
- Translation ready.
3) Sellegance OpenCart Theme: Sellegance theme is a responsive fashion ecommerce OpenCart theme which comes with 2 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive fashion ecommerce OpenCart theme.
- 2 types of homepage layouts including fashion homepage layout and technology homepage layout.
- 2 types of navigation bars including dark navigation bar and light navigation bar.
- Option to display product details in accordion mode and in tabs.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports RTL languages and Google fonts.
4) R.Gen OpenCart Theme: R.Gen theme is a responsive ecommerce and store OpenCart theme which comes with 10 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive ecommerce and store OpenCart theme.
- 10 types of homepage layouts.
- Supports mega menus.
- 2 types of website layouts including wide website layout and boxed website layout.
5) Fastor OpenCart Theme: Fastor theme is a responsive estore OpenCart theme which comes with multiple types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive estore OpenCart theme.
- Multiple types of homepage layouts including wine store homepage layout, 2 types of toys store homepage layout, tools store homepage layout, 2 types of sports store homepage layout, spices store homepage layout, 3 types of shoes store homepage layout, perfumes store homepage layout, natural cosmetics store homepage layout, military store homepage layout, medic store homepage layout, martial arts store homepage layout, market store homepage layout, 2 types of lingerie store homepage layout, holidays store homepage layout, 3 types of jewelry store homepage layout, grocery store homepage layout, glam store homepage layout, 2 types of garden store homepage layout, 3 types of games store homepage layout, furniture store homepage layout, flowers store homepage layout, 3 types of fashion store homepage layout, exclusive store homepage layout, 2 types of cosmetics store homepage layout, 5 types of computer store homepage layout, coffee and tea store homepage layout, cleaning store homepage layout, ceramica store homepage layout, car parts store homepage layout, cameras store homepage layout, books store homepage layout, barber store homepage layout, bakery store homepage layout, audio store homepage layout, architecture store homepage layout, antique store homepage layout, default full width store homepage layout, 8 types of computer store homepage layout, 2 types of pet store homepage layouts, tools store homepage layout, stationery store homepage layout, one product store homepage layout, fishing store homepage layout, jewelry store homepage layout, one page checkout store homepage layout and RTL store homepage layout.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports mega menus, Google fonts and RTL languages.
6) Sellya OpenCart Theme: Sellya theme is a responsive eshop OpenCart theme which comes with 8 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive eshop OpenCart theme.
- 8 types of homepage layouts including regular homepage layout, electronics store homepage layout, light theme homepage layout, restaurant homepage layout, gifts store homepage layout, fashion store homepage layout, kids store homepage layout and sports store homepage layout.
- Supports Google fonts.
- Built by using HTML5 and CSS3.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports mega menus and custom widgets.
- 3 types of sliders including featured products slider, flex slider and camera slider.
7) Pav Fashion OpenCart Theme: Pav Fashion theme is a responsive premium OpenCart theme which comes with 4 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive premium OpenCart theme.
- 4 types of homepage layouts.
8) Bigshop OpenCart Theme: Bigshop theme is a responsive ecommerce OpenCart theme which comes with 3 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive ecommerce OpenCart theme.
- 3 types of homepage layouts.
9) Pavilion OpenCart Theme: Pavilion theme is a responsive ecommerce and store OpenCart theme which comes with 6 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive ecommerce and store OpenCart theme.
- 6 types of homepage layouts.
10) OXY OpenCart Theme: OXY theme is a responsive eshop OpenCart theme.
- Responsive eshop OpenCart theme.
- 6 types of homepage layouts.