We have created a list of best, top 5 book store, online ebook shop, publisher Magento themes. You can use these themes to create novel shopping cart site, library website, comics store, audio books store, CDs and DVDs store, used book stores and any other types of websites for book stores.
Here is the list of top 5 book store, online ebook shop, publisher Magento themes:
1) StoBok Magento Theme: StoBok theme is a responsive book store Magento theme which comes with 6 types of homepage layouts. It is the best, most popular, top selling and premium book store Magento theme.
- Responsive book store Magento theme.
- 6 types of homepage layouts including full width homepage layout, eye catching homepage layout, traditional homepage layout, multipurpose homepage layout, well designed homepage layout and boxed homepage layout.
- SEO optimized and fast loading book store Magento theme.
- 6 types of color schemes including red color scheme, blue color scheme, brown color scheme, green color scheme, orange color scheme and purple color scheme.
- Create custom pages like login page, compare page, my account page, my orders page, account information page, address book page, my tags page, billing agreement page, profile page, checkout page, wishlist page, contact page, about page, privacy and security page, refund and returns page, postage page, FAQ page and find a store page.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports mega menus and multiple currencies.
- Translation ready.
- 2 types of product page layouts including grid view product page layout and list view product page layout.
- Built by using HTML5 and CSS3.
- Supports Google fonts.
2) Everest Bookstore Magento Theme: Everest Bookstore theme is a responsive online ebook shop Magento theme which comes with 10 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive online ebook shop Magento theme.
- 10 types of homepage layouts.
- Sell any types of products including downloadable product, virtual product, simple product, bundle product, grouped product and configurable product.
- 4 types of product page layouts including product page layout with one column, product page layout with 2 columns right, product page layout with 2 columns left and product page layout with 3 columns.
- Create custom pages like landing page, typography page, widgets page, contact page, 404 error page, login page, register page, wishlist page, blog page, tale our survey page, transaction service agreement page, FAQ page, customer support page, new user guide page, buyer protection page, delivery options page, making payments page and create an account page.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports RTL languages and Google rich snippets.
3) Glory Shop Bookstore Magento Theme: Glory Shop Bookstore theme is a responsive book store Magento theme which comes with 9 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive book store Magento theme.
- 9 types of homepage layouts.
- Built by using HTML5 and CSS3.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports Google fonts and sticky header.
- Supports multiple currencies, mega menus and translation ready.
4) Gala Sneaker Bookstore Magento Theme: Gala Sneaker Bookstore theme is a responsive online ebook shop Magento theme which comes with 9 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive online ebook shop Magento theme.
- 9 types of homepage layouts.
- Supports Google fonts.
- 2 types of website layouts including boxed website layout and wide website layout.
- Supports mega menus.
5) SkyBook Magento Theme: SkyBook theme is a responsive and retina ready book store Magento theme which comes with 6 types of homepage layouts.
- Responsive and retina ready book store Magento theme.
- 6 types of homepage layouts.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Supports Google rich snippets, Google fonts, mega menus, Google maps, multiple currencies and translation ready.