We have created a list of best, top 5 social network, social media website HTML5 templates. By using these website HTML templates you can create social networking sites, community sites, business social network portals, social networks for artists, profile builder sites, sites where users can post their work and articles, user generated content sites, sites with chat rooms and live chat feature, news feed sites, corporate social networks, professional social networks, company social networks, sharing economy sites, music social network, social network site with calendars and weather widgets and any other type of social networking sites.
Here is the list of top 5 social network, social media website HTML5 templates:
1) Friend Finder HTML5 Template: Friend Finder template is a responsive social networking HTML5 template which comes with 2 types of homepage layouts. It is the best, most popular, premium and top selling social network HTML5 template.
- Responsive social networking HTML5 template.
- 2 types of homepage layouts.
- Option for users to create private chat rooms and chat with your friends in real time.
- Option for users to upload images and videos.
- News feed and timeline display.
- Separate registration for individuals and businesses.
- Create custom pages like timeline friends page, timeline albums page, timeline page, image feed page, video feed page, timeline about page, chat room page, friend list page, nearby people page, sign up page, contact page, login page, explore page, features page, language setting page, benefits page, resources page, advertise page, setup page, help page, terms page, privacy policy page, landing pages and news feed page.
- Find nearby people using Google maps.
- Option to create photo albums.
- Supports emoticons and smileys.
- Supports CSS3 animations.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
2) Tiger HTML5 Template: Tiger template is a responsive social media website HTML5 template.
- Responsive social media website HTML5 template.
- 4 types of user dashboard page layouts.
- 2 types of company profile page layouts including regular company profile page layout and company profile page layout with no tabs.
- Option for users to change language from a widget in the header.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
3) Frame HTML5 Template: Frame template is a responsive business social network HTML5 template.
- Responsive business social network HTML5 template.
- 5 types of project page layouts.
- Supports mega menus.
- Create custom pages like map page, shop page, members page, projects page, profile page and blog page.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
4) Olympus HTML5 Template: Olympus template is a responsive social networking HTML5 template.
- Responsive social networking HTML5 template.
- Create custom pages like profile page, news feed page, landing pages, favorite page, friends group page, music page, playlists page, weather widget page, calendar and events page and statistics page.
5) Vikinger HTML5 Template: Vikinger template is a responsive social network HTML5 template which comes with 2 types of color schemes.

- Responsive social network HTML5 template.
- 4 types of color schemes including blue, green, orange and yellow.
- 4 types of secondary color schemes.
- SEO optimized and fast loading social network HTML5 template.
- Option for users to add their Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts on their profiles.
- Profile builder to add name, location, occupation, website, about me, description, add projects and add any other types of sections to your profile.
- Follow and unfollow feature for users.
- Like and appreciation feature for users.
- Capture data like project views, appreciations, following and followers and display them in real time in the user profile.
- Option for other users to post comments on a user post.
- Show notifications for users in real time.
- Option for users to send private messages to each other.
- Option for users to create their portfolio of their work.
- Custom widgets like search widget, category widget, tags widget, filter widget, recent work widget and other types of drop down widgets to filter user posts.
- Option for users to explore people and their work.
- Compatible with Bootstrap framework.
- Option for users to create articles and blogs.
- Built by using HTML5 and CSS3.
- Supports Google fonts.