If you are looking for different varieties of Paypal buttons for your WordPress blog, then here’s a list of more than 40 buttons collected in this WordPress plugin. All you have to do is to install the plugin and choose any button as per your choice, add Paypal email address, select price, item name, and add return URL. A return URL is the URL where the users will be redirected to after they have made the payment by clicking on the particular button. Buttons provided with this plugin works with any type of Paypal account.
Here are the features of this plugin:
1) Button type: There are different buttons of type Buy, donate and subscribe. You can add any button in your blog as per your requirements.
2) Add prices to buttons: You can change the prices associated with the buttons from the plugin admin panel.
3) Shortcodes support: Buttons can be placed anywhere in your blog by using short codes.