In this post I will discuss about a boat and yacht niche WordPress plugin which you can use for creating boat, yacht and ship listings in your WordPress site. This plugin has been specifically created for adding boats and yachts listings for sale.
Here are the features of this plugin:
1) Boat and yacht listings: You can easily add a boat or yacht with image and other details like price, dimensions of the boat, type of boat, specifications of the boat like engine, dry weight etc. from your WordPress admin dashboard. These options are fully customizable and you can select which ones you want to add in your boat listings page. Boat listings are created by using custom post types and you can manage other content like blog section and page section.
2) Gallery and slideshow: By using this plugin, you can easily create image galleries and slideshows to display your boats and yachts.
3) Responsive design: Every element of the plugin like listings page, gallery page, slideshows, etc. are responsive and adaptive to any screen resolution or devices.
4) Advanced search for boats and yachts: Users of your site can easily search boats and yachts by using an advanced search widget. You can add this widget in any sidebar of your site as per your needs.
5) Multiple widgets: Plugin comes with multiple widgets for boats like advanced search, recent boats and featured boats.
6) Create custom taxonomies and custom meta fields: For your boats and yachts listings, you can create custom taxonomies and custom meta fields from the plugin settings section.
7) Auto image re-sizing: Plugin uses Tim-thumb to automatically re-size the images which you will add for different sections.
8) Shortcodes support: There are plethora of shortcodes which comes with the plugin. You can use these shortcodes to add different elements anywhere in posts and in pages.
This is just what I’m looking for for a client, but I see this is no longer available or supported. The only other service out there requires a paid-for account with SmartBroker. Not interested in that. It seems if I used WP 2.0 Directory Plugin I could customize fields to filter similar to this, but a little more broadly. Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks for the info. I have updated the plugin to WordPress directory plugin. By using this plugin you can create a classified and directory listings site for boats and yacht sale.
Here are a couple of other plugins which can be useful:
1) Smart Broker: Plugin To create a boat or yacht listings website.
2) Ship Log: Plugin to create a ship or boat listing site.
We just created one free plugin for that.
Visit WordPress and download it for free: