In this post, I will describe a WordPress plugin which can be used for adding an Ajax content widget for specific pages in your WordPress blog. You can add any number of items and any type content in the content widget. From the plugin settings page you can add or remove content items in the widget. Content widget can be displayed for specific posts, specific pages, all posts, all pages, taxonomies, specific tags, specific categories, all tags, all categories, custom taxonomies, archive pages, specific tag archive pages, specific category archive pages, all tag archive pages, all category archive pages, specific author pages, all author pages, specific author posts, all author posts, custom post types, home page, 404 error page, search result page and date archive page. You can edit the widget settings and translate it to any language.
Here are the features of this WordPress plugin:
1) Create content widget: From the plugin settings page you can create different content widgets to be added to specific pages. In a content widget you can include any number of content items as per your requirements.
2) Add content: For the content widget you can add text, images, videos or any type of content using a post editor.
3) Manage content widgets: From the plugin settings page you can create any number of content widgets. You can add or remove content from the widget as per your needs.
4) Control widget visibility: From the plugin settings page you can control the visibility for the content widget. You can add the widget for specific posts, specific pages, on all posts, on all pages, on taxonomies like categories and tags, on all categories, on all tags, on specific categories, on specific tags, on taxonomy archive pages like category archive and tags archive, on all category archive pages, on all tag archive pages, on specific archive pages, on specific tag archive pages, on all author pages, on specific author pages, on all author posts, on specific author posts, on home page, on search result page, on 404 error page, on date archive page, on custom post types and on custom taxonomies.
5) Content widget settings: You have the option to add the title of the widget, enable or disable cache, enable or disable Ajax and enable or disable dates in the content widget.
6) Translation support: This WordPress plugin can be used in any language as per your needs.