In this post, I will describe a WordPress plugin which you can use for creating responsive portfolios to display music, images, videos, gallery, and link in your WordPress blog. A portfolio section is useful for displaying your work in a blog. By using this plugin you can create unlimited portfolio sections in your blog. Portfolios can be displayed in a gallery, slider and in a grid layout. Images can be displayed in galleries in a lightbox or in a modal window. From the plugin settings page you can customize your portfolios. Portfolios have social networking buttons so that your users can share your portfolios in social networks. Plugin has fully integrated audio and video player which can be added in the portfolio.
Here are the features:
1) Responsive portfolios: Portfolio created by the plugin is responsive that means it works with cell phones and tablets. You can also add captions to the portfolio element.
2) Customize portfolios: There are 8 pre designed portfolio designs to choose from. Also, there are many ways to edit the portfolio as per your needs. You can change the color and the layout of a portfolio. You can see live preview of your edits.
3) Shortcodes support: Portfolios can be displayed anywhere in the post and the pages by using shortcodes.
4) Re-size images: Images are automatically re-sized in the portfolio.
5) Add any type of content in portfolio: You can add any content in the portfolio like music, images, videos, gallery, and link.
6) Social sharing: You can integrate social sharing buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and Google+ in the portfolio.
7) Gallery and slider settings: For creating a portfolio gallery or a slider, you can select height and width of the container, type of slider, and layout of the slider. You can set up the size of the image for the slider. Also, you can select the height of slider, transition effect, transition duration in milliseconds, crop method, enable Auto play slide show, slide show interval in milliseconds, show thumbnails, and enable captions. Then, you can add images in the slider.
8) Grid settings: Plugin comes with a grid builder by using which you can create portfolios in grid layout. You can select the categories for the items which you want to be added in the grid. Then, you can use the grid builder to create grid. Also, you can see the previews for the grid from the plugin settings page. You can add videos, audio, images and gallery in the grid layout. You can select style for the grid, set up size for grid cells margin, image border size,image border color, image border opacity, main overlay color, main overlay opacity, secondary overlay color, secondary overlay icons, overlay title color, cells border radius, enable or disable outer cell border, enable display of cell shadow, select size of grid maximum width in pixels, quality of thumbnails, select filtered items behavior, align filters to a position as per your requirements, enable old filters style, disable right-click on images and select the default overlay.
9) Lightbox settings: Here are the lightbox settings you can change from the plugin settings page: Select item container width, select item container maximum width in pixels, set up item container border radius, enable lightbox vertical centering, use light box as modal and enable swipe for mobile devices. Also, you can select lightbox overlay color, lightbox, overlay opacity, lightbox overlay pattern, item container background color, item container text color, and item container icons.
10) Audio and video settings: You can enable the Auto Play for audio and videos. Also, you have the option to display full track list. You can select Album, release date, and price option for audio and select Author, Camera, Place and Genre options for videos. These options can be removed and more options can be added from the plugin settings page.
11) Enable or disable scripts: You can enable or disable the following from the plugin settings page: Deep linking for category filter and lightbox, TimThumb, JavaScript in site header, Ajax, and old jQuery.
12) Filter settings: From the plugin settings page, you can select filters text color, background color, border color, text color on mouse hover, background color on mouse hover, border color on mouse hover, and border radius in pixels.
13) Image and gallery options: For images you have the following options: Author, Place and date and for image galleries: Author and date. These options can be edited as per your requirements.
14) Language support: Plugin can be used in any language as per your needs.