This post is about an innovative WordPress plugin by using which you can add sticky social sharing buttons in a WordPress blog. When you hover over the buttons they open up in a slider displaying the social streams. There are many ways to integrate social sharing buttons in a WordPress blog. But this social slider plugin is the best one out there. It integrates a floating list of buttons on your blog and when you hover the buttons the box appears. You can also change the behavior of plugin from hover to click. That means, you have to click on the buttons to view the social stream for a particular social network. The loading time of the boxes is instant, you got to check the preview for yourself to see the functionality of the plugin. Plugin is fully responsive and you can use it in any language. From the plugin settings page, you can customize the buttons and the slider.
Here are the features of this plugin:
1) Social sharing buttons for all social networks: This plugin is a great way to integrate Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Linkedin, Google+ and Instagram buttons in your blog as it does not take any space of your blog yet the boxes pop up with just hovering. You can enable or disable any of these buttons from the plugin settings page. You also have different options for specific social networks. For Example, for Facebook you can show or hide faces, stream and for Twitter you can select the number of tweets to be displayed, etc.
2) Responsive plugin: The best part is that, social sharing buttons work for cell phones and tablets.
3) Language support: You can also set your language as per your requirements.
4) Place anywhere in blog: You have the option to place the buttons anywhere in the blog whether left, right, bottom top, etc.
5) Light and dark style: Button colors can be set according your blog theme say dark or white.
6) Customize buttons and slider: You have the options to customize the buttons and slider. You can set up slider width, slider height, button position, select a button design, border width, and border color.
Initially buttons are displayed as sticky in the blog:
When a user hovers over any of the social networking buttons, then the slider opens displaying the social stream: