This post is about a WordPress plugin which can be used to make fields required for posts, pages and custom post types in WordPress blog.
From the plugin settings page you can mark the following fields as required: Title, Excerpt, Content, Tags, Category and Featured image. You can also set up minimum width and minimum height for featured images. Advantage of this plugin is that it checks if all the required fields have been filled before publishing the post, page or the custom post type.
If a required field is not entered then the plugin displays an error. It is also helpful for the contributors, authors and editors of your blog and notifies them if a required field is missing in the post or page editor.
You can mark the following fields as required for posts, pages and custom post types:
1) Required fields for posts: You can mark the following fields as required for posts: Title, Excerpt, Content, Tags, Category and Featured image. You also have the option to set up minimum height and width required for featured images.
2) Required fields for pages: You can mark the following fields as required for pages: Title, Content and Featured image. You also have the option to set up minimum height and width required for featured images.
3) Required fields for custom post types: You can mark the following fields as required for custom post types: Title, Excerpt, Content and Featured image. You also have the option to set up minimum height and width required for featured images.