In this post, I will describe a WordPress plugin by using which you can easily create and add an introduction page or a splash page in your WordPress blog. Intro page or splash page is the one which is displayed just before the main page or the homepage of your blog.
By using this WordPress plugin you can add the splash page for any page or post in your blog. You have the option to create video splash page, image splash page, splash page with audio content, splash page with contact form, splash page with HTML content and splash page with slider in your blog. You have the option to change splash page settings like add logo, add Skip intro button and add custom CSS codes. Also, you have the option to import and export splash page settings.
Here are the features of this WordPress plugin:
1) Create splash page for any page: You can add a splash page for any page or for any post as per your requirements. After you have created the intro page you can add the URL for the main page.
2) Types of splash pages: You can add the following types of splash pages by using this WordPress plugin: Image splash page, Video splash page, Splash page with contact form, Splash page with audio content, Splash page with slider and Splash page with HTML content. This WordPress plugin adds an HTML video player for the videos. You can upload videos and set up video height and video width.
Similarly you can add audio and set up audio height and audio width. For the slider you can upload images, add image title and add image URL. For the contact form, you can select the background color, font color, Submit button background color and Submit button font color.
3) Splash page settings: For the splash page you can add a logo image, Skip intro button, option to edit text for Skip intro button and custom CSS codes. You have the option to select font color, select background color, add background image, select background image position, set background image size, enable background image repeat, add background image attachment, add logo background, and set up background border radius.
For the logo you can select the background image, background border radius, vertical position, distance from top, distance from bottom, horizontal position, distance from left and distance from right.
For the Skip intro button you can set up border radius, opacity, internal padding, vertical position, horizontal position, distance from top, distance from bottom, distance from left, distance from right, font type, font style, font weight, font color, mouse over font color, font size, background color and mouse over background color.
4) Import and Export splash page option: You have the option to upload and download the splash page settings. You can use this option to easily create a splash page for one of your other blogs with the same settings.