In this post, I will discuss about a WordPress plugin which you can use to display different WordPress content based on type of device and operating system of the user. This plugin uses shortcodes to filter the content to be displayed on specific devices.
How does this work?
For Example, you wish to display specific content on your WordPress blog only to users who are visiting your blog on an iPhone like “Download our iPhone app”. Now, this message will not be as helpful to a regular desktop user as it would be to an iPhone user. So, you can add a shortcode to your blog to display this content only to users who are viewing your blog on an iPhone. Plugin will make sure that this message will be displayed only to a visitor who is using an iPhone and it will not be displayed to any other user who is using a different device.
Here are the different types of shortcode filters you can use for displaying content to specific devices and operating systems:
1) Shortcode filters for type of devices: You can use shortcode filters to display content on computer, tablet, cell phones, shortcode combinations like computer and tablet and cell phone and tablet.
2) Shortcode filters for specific devices: You can use shortcode filters to display content on iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile, Kindle, Blackberry, HTC, Nexus, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, and Palm devices.
3) Shortcode filters for operating systems: You can use shortcode filters to display content on devices using the OS as iOS, Android, and Windows. You can also use combinations like to display content to any device except Android and iOS.