By default information about which WordPress plugins and theme is installed in your blog, backend path, and login URL is visible to everyone. You can find it out easily by right-click on your blog and then click on “View page source”. Another way is to use an online tool for finding the plugins, themes and software installed on a blog. If you are concerned about securing this information of your blog then, there’s a WordPress plugin which you can use for hiding installed WordPress theme, plugin, backend, and login URL in blog.
Here are the features of this plugin:
1) Hide default WordPress login URL: You can hide the default WP login URL of your blog for everyone else. You can generate a secret login URL which only you know of. You also have an option to place a custom error message for your login URL. This error message will be displayed when anyone visits your default WordPress login URL.
2) Hide theme directory, plugin directory, includes directory and uploads directory: You can change the default paths of theme directory, plugin directory, includes directory and uploads directory of your blog to a new path which only you are aware of.
3) Hide Author URL and cache path: In a similar way you can replace the default author URL with your own custom URL and change the path for cache.
4) Cache: Apart from hiding default paths and directories this plugin also provide cache functionalities.
5) Removing junk option: This plugin provides a removing junk option where you can remove feed links, feed links extra, noindex, admin bar, orphan post meta, script/style version, revisions, drafts, spam and trash comments, orphan comment meta, etc.
6) Disable directory browser: You can disable directory browser for improving speed and security of your blog.
7) HTTP compression: You can enable this feature to let your blog output pages in a compressed gzip format. This functionality reduces the size of the pages to about 60-80%.