You can add your own custom like and unlike feature in your WordPress blog. Simply use this WordPress plugin to integrate it in your blog. Your visitors can like of unlike a page or a post only one time and after they like it, they can also unlike it. Plugin comes with 3 style and more than 12 color options so that you can customize the like and unlike buttons. You can also change the default texts used by the plugin. These like buttons can be turned off for individual posts. You can also include sidebar widgets to show off your most like posts or pages.
Here are the features of this plugin:
1) Restrict like functionality only to registered users: You have the option to restrict like functionality only to registered users.
2) Change like and unlike text: From the plugin settings page, you can edit the like and unlike text.
3) Change like style: This plugin comes with three like styles. You can pick any one for your blog.
4) Change color scheme: You can change the color scheme for the like button to match it with your blog color scheme.
5) Disable likes on specific posts: You can disable like buttons for specific posts as per your requirements.