WordPress sends email using WordPress mail function wp_mail( ). However, by using this WordPress plugin you can enhance then functionality of the default WordPress emails and send emails using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Other settings include send HTML emails, email preview, enable SSL and TLS encryption, edit “Email from” and “Email from name” fields, customize default emails, and use placeholders and tags in emails.
Here are the features of the plugin:
1) Send HTML emails: Users can send HTML emails and edit them in a WYSIWIG editor.
2) Email preview: Plugin adds a previewer so that a user can preview the emails before sending.
3) Send emails by using SMTP: You can use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send emails using an external server. It overrides the default WordPress mail function. To send emails via SMTP, you need to add SMTP hostname and SMTP port in the plugin settings page.
4) Enable SSL and TLS encryption: You have the option to enable or disable SSL and TLS encryption.
5) Edit “Email from” and “Email from name” fields: You have the option to change “Email from” and “Email from name” fields from the plugin settings page.
6) Customize emails: You also have the option to customize default emails like user registration email, password retrieval emails, notification for comments etc.
7) Use placeholders and tags in emails: You can use email placeholders and tags to personalize emails.