This post is about a responsive, HTML5, CSS3, beautiful, boxed layout Portfolio WordPress theme. This WordPress theme supports custom pages, Shortcodes, multiple portfolio options, multiple color schemes, two types of slider, option to change theme settings, custom sidebars, custom fonts and is compatible with WooCommerce and WPML WordPress plugins.
Here are the features of Responsive, Beautiful, Boxed layout Portfolio WordPress theme:
1) Custom pages: You can add the following types of pages in Portfolio WordPress theme: Service page, About page, Pricing page, and custom contact page.
2) Shortcodes support: You can add the following types of elements in Portfolio WordPress theme by using shortcodes: Tabs, Accordions, Buttons, Block quotes, Alert boxes, Tooltips, Icon boxes, Notice boxes, Testimonials, Lists, icons, Social icons, and Tables.
3) Portfolio options: You have the following types of portfolio layout options: Portfolio with two columns, Portfolio with three columns, Portfolio with four columns, Portfolio to display one project in a page, Portfolio to display multiple projects in a page, Portfolio section with images and text, Portfolio with slider and jQuery portfolio with category filter.
4) Color schemes: Portfolio WordPress theme has about 18 types of color schemes, light and dark layout color scheme, option to change background patterns and 18 types of background colors to choose from.
5) Two types of slider: Portfolio WordPress theme comes with two types of sliders. You can select any one for your site. From the theme settings section, you can add title, content and images for the slides. You also have the option to enable or disable the slider in the homepage.
6) Theme settings: From the theme settings page, you have the option to change the following: Logo and favicon, edit tagline, add social sharing buttons in the header, add contact details, email, phone number in header, edit footer text, enable or disable blog post icon, and add custom CSS.
7) Plugins compatibility: Portfolio WordPress theme is compatible with WooCommerce and WPML WordPress plugins.
8) Other features: In Portfolio WordPress theme, you can add left or right custom sidebars, select custom fonts for body and heading, select font size, and PSD files for editing images.