This post is about a responsive, HTML5, CSS3, cross browser compatible Portfolio WordPress theme with multiple homepage options. Portfolio WordPress theme has many page layout options, custom page templates, multiple portfolio options, shortcodes support, options to change theme settings, slider settings and is translation ready.
1) Seven types of homepage options: Portfolio WordPress theme comes with seven types of homepage options: Homepage with narrow slider, Homepage with wide slider, Homepage with narrow slider, Static homepage, Homepage with pre content, Homepage with blog, and Homepage with video.
2) Custom page templates: You can easily create the following types of pages in Portfolio WordPress theme: Contact page, Service page, Team page, Sitemap page, Testimonials page, Process page, Careers page, Pricing page, two types of FAQ pages, password protected page, custom 404 page and splitted page.
3) Page layout options: You can create a page in Portfolio WordPress theme with the following page layout options: Page with left sidebar, Page with right sidebar, Page with left navigation, Page with right navigation, Page with left navigation and left sidebar and Page with right navigation and right sidebar. For a page you can select the number of entries per page and show or hide the following: Author, title, date, featured media, categories, summary, comment link, buttons and tags.
4) Portfolio options: You can create a portfolio page with the following options: Portfolio with one column, Portfolio with two columns, Portfolio with three columns, Portfolio with four columns, Filterable Portfolio with two columns, Filterable Portfolio with three columns, Filterable Portfolio with four columns, Portfolio with list format, Portfolio with full width, Portfolio with left sidebar, Portfolio with right sidebar, Portfolio with left content and Portfolio with right content.
5) Shortcodes support: You can add the following types of elements by using shortcodes in Portfolio WordPress theme: Audio, videos, sliders, tabs, toggles, posts, portfolios, quotes, testimonials, messages, boxes, tables, lists, buttons, headings, dividers, frames, images, flags, dropcaps, typography and columns.
6) Theme settings: From the theme settings page, you can change main logo, login logo, logo margin top, primary navigation margin top, logo margin bottom, show or hide tagline, show or hide search form, favicon, footer text, background color, heading color, text color, link color, link hover color, meta link color, meta link hover color, meta text color, element colors,
7) Slider settings: You can change the following slider settings: transition effect, transition speed, slider width, slider height and timeout.
8) Other features: In Portfolio WordPress theme, you can add social sharing buttons, add custom sidebars, integrate Google Analytics, translation support, and custom widgets.